Where is Dr. Jung located?
Dr. Jung is in Southern California, but she sees patients all over California.
Do you accept my insurance plan?
Even though Dr. Jung would love to be credentialed, the state of California does not recognize naturopathic doctors (NDs) as part of the coverage. You are welcome to use insurance for labs or imaging that Dr. Jung orders for you - please make sure to check with your insurance for coverage & eligibility for these labs/imaging. You can also use Health savings account (HSA) or Flexible spending account (FSA) for your visit or supplements.
Dr. Jung has experience working with insurance system in the past, and the invoice from visits can be used as a SUPERBILL for reimbursement purposes. We cannot determine the amount the insurance companies would reimburse for you.
What does working with Dr. Jung look like?
Dr. Jung's main philosophy in her practice is connection. She loves to connect with people to hear their stories because nobody knows their health like their own. After talking with you on your health history and getting to know all aspects of your health, she puts her brain to work to connect the dots. She may order labs or imaging if they are indicated, but what she loves to do the most is to talk you through her thinking process. This makes the next steps clear, and the work starts. She also believes everyone is special; one plan may not work for everyone. During visits, she will also recommend diets, supplements, or lifestyle plan that caters the best for you.
Dr. Jung also offers a complimentary 15-minute discovery call to see how she can help.
Why work with a naturopathic doctor?
Great question! Naturopathic doctors are trained far more advanced than MDs or DOs when it comes to natural products, supplements, and treating people as whole. Naturopathic doctors also spend a significant amount of time with you during the visit to get the full health history, which helps them connect the dot. Working with Naturopathic doctors is an investment for your health, not to just treat symptoms. Naturopathic doctors aim to prevent further disease state and creating the best & healthy you!